CEM Models / Space Applications
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Sjuts in Space


The Channel Electron Multipliers Series KBL found one of its first applications in space research. Because of its resistance to physical shock and small size this series meets the requirements for system components for rockets, satellites and space craft.

These detectors were used for the first time in the space in the GAS Experiment on board the ULYSSES probe that was launched in 1990 with the Space Shuttle "Discovery". For the HYDRA experiment on board the NASA POLAR/WIND satellites, we delivered over 60 CEMs. Thereafter we delivered detectors for the Russian MARS-96-Mission, the Cassini-Huygens probe to Saturn and the ESA-probe ROSETTA to comet 67P/Tschurjumow-Gerasimenko. The landing on Mars on board the PHOENIX lander, the arrival on the International Space Station in 2008 and the interesting results from the IBEX mission in 2009 are the latest news.

The following table gives an overview on the CEMs we delivered for space missions as well as their application.

Fig. 1 Columbus module at the International Space Station (ESA/David Ducros)
Fig. 2 Cassini-Huygens at Saturn
Fig. 3 PHOENIX landing on Mars
Fig. 4 CEM Series KBL408 in the TEGA experiment onboard the PHOENIX mission
Fig. 5 GENESIS probe
Fig. 6 ESA probe ULYSSES
Fig.7 IBEX-Hi data cover Science, Vol. 326
Fig. 8 BepiColombo visiting Mercury
Fig. 9 Solar Orbiter
Fig. 10 JUICE at Jupiter (ESA/ATG medialab/NASA)
Fig. 11 CEM array installed in PAS prototype (Solar Orbiter Mission, A. Fedorov, et. al)

















CEM Model
Ulysses logo GAS To measure energetic particles and interstellar neutral gas (ESA)
POLAR WIND logo HYDRA To measure electron and ion velocity distributions in the earth's polar magnetosphere (NASA)
Mars96_logo UVS-M CEM

To measure hydrogen, helium, and oxygen distribution in the upper atmosphere of Mars (Russia, mission failed)

Rosetta logo ROSINA To measure the elemental abundances, molecular & isotopic composition of the cometary volatiles (ESA)
Huygens logo IBS To measure the flux of positively charged ions of all species as a function of energy/charge and aperture entry direction (NASA/ESA)
GENESIS logo GIM & GEM To measure the type of solar wind flowing past the spacecraft and obtain high-quality solar wind data (NASA)
Phoenix logo TEGA To measure the composition of Martian ice and soil samples (NASA)
ISS logo SolACES To monitor the EUV and UV radiation of the sun
BepiColombo logo SERENA To monitor ion precipitation flux of solar wind and planetary origin (ESA)
IBEX logo IBEX-Hi The sensors measure Energetic Neutral Atoms from ~ 300 eV to 6 keV produced beyond the termination shock in the inner heliosheath (NASA)





To measure the Mars Plasma Environment (Russia/China)

EQUARS logo ELISA KBLCAS520 To measure electron flux and energy spectrum in the ionosphere 0.1 - 40 keV (Brasil)
HOPE To detect Helium, Oxygen, Protons & Electrons (HOPE) on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (NASA)
LAD TWINS Register line-integrated Lyman-resonance emission intensities in the plasmasphere and magnetosphere (NASA)

Mission TechDemoSat1

Measurement of electrons and ions (Great Britain)

PAS Energy-angular ion analyzer with no mass selection (ESA)



To understand the composition of solar wind and its energy distribution (India)
PEP /JNA Mapping wheatering of the icy moons and imaging the Io torus (ESA)
PEP / JDC To characterise the plasma environment in the Jovian system (ESA)
ewr PEP / JEI 3D distribution of plasma electrons (ESA)
IMAP-Hi Single-pixel energy ENA Imager that measure H, He, and heavier ENAs from outer heliosphere (NASA)



Commercial Applications in Space


Spacecraft charging can erode or contaminate spacecraft surfaces, destroy or degrade electronics, lower the efficiency of ion propulsion, bias scientific measurements and can present a shock hazard to astronauts during EVA's.

The Spacecraft Charge Monitor (SCM) developed by Goembel Instruments is the first lightweight, inexpensive, accurate, and easily deployed device designed to measure spacecraft charge in orbit around the Earth, other planets and in solar winds (www.goembel.biz).


Company name
CEM Model CAS510
Goembel logo
Spacecraft Charge Monitor (SCM) - Instrument for measuring spacecraft potential



























































































































































































































































































Dr. Sjuts Optotechnik GmbH

Rudolf-Wissell-Str. 14, 37079 Goettingen, Germany Tel. + 49 (0) 551 209 95 62, Fax. + 49 (0) 551 209 95 63, Email: sjuts@t-online.de